Internal podcasts for businesses are great employee resources

If you have ever listened to a podcast before, you’re probably aware of how dense they can be with information, especially over a long period of time. By keeping an internal podcast for your business, you can create that same information dense resource for your own business. Creating an internal podcast, that is only accessible by your employees, can help you set goals for your business while keeping everyone informed with the steps to get there. Your podcast can be a weekly 15-minute business update, a monthly hour, or released infrequently as company-wide communication is needed.

This podcast can be created at zero to very little cost to your organization. Your spend is essentially however polished you want the final podcast to be. If you’re just recording yourself on your phone and that’s all the podcast needs to be, then your new company resource essentially only costs your time. If you want a little bit more production value or programmed segments for your internal podcast, then the cost can run you a manageable amount that can be done at a DIY scale.

With the convenience of your employees being able to just listen to a podcast about company wide announcements, like events and special projects, you may reach more employees in a new way. Dive into depth about specific ideas and how you want your business to operate. You can interview business leaders and managers of your business to explore how employees can improve business results. Take employee feedback for discussion or suggestions for topics

An internal podcast really doesn’t have to be something to be intimidated by. It is easy to record, edit and upload a podcast to a service like Spotify’s Anchor that will give you a private link to send your employees, or include in company-wide communications.

Over time, an internal podcast can become a deeply information rich resource for your employees that takes shape in progress. It can be a minimal time investment for great long term reward, or a fun new project to try that will have good impact for your business. A prompt to start: what does your business do and what keeps it profitable?


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