Have you tried Upwork to find work?

If you’re a writer, editor, producer, designer, marketer, analyst or perform any other service that can be done for a client remotely and haven’t checked out Upwork yet, it may be worth it. Upwork and other online job marketplaces are excellent ways to market your services to the entire online world of people who are trying to hire for their jobs. By tapping into online job marketplaces you can reach millions of hiring managers and independent businesses, who are trying to hire for gig-based jobs, expanding your total addressable market to the entire online world.

When you list your services on an online job marketplace like Upwork, your immediate surroundings become less important, because you can reach an almost limitless audience.

In a report published by Upwork, the benefits to becoming a digital freelancer are almost obvious:

“Freelancers are seeing more demand for their work -- Twice as many freelancers have seen an increase in demand in the past year as have seen a decrease (32% increase, versus 15% decrease).

  • Technology is helping freelancers find work -- Nearly seven in ten (69%) freelancers said technology had made it easier to find freelance work, and 42% said they have done freelance work via the Internet.

  • As demand increases, so does reputation -- Almost two out of three (65%) freelancers said freelancing as a career path is more respected today than it was three years ago.

  • The potential for earnings is helping to drive freelancing’s growth -- 80% of non-freelancers surveyed said they would be willing to do additional work outside of their primary job if it was available and enabled them to make more money.

  • There’s room for growth -- Three times as many freelancers expect their hours to increase in the next year as expect their hours to decrease (38% expect to increase hours, versus 12% expect to decrease).

  • Millennials (workers under 35) are more likely to freelance -- 38% of Millennials are freelancing (compared to 32% of those over 35) and Millennials are also most optimistic about the future of the freelance job market, with 82% saying that the best days are ahead (compared to 74% of those over 35).”

You no longer have to find every single one of your clients yourself, in your local area. You don’t have to find a way to advertise your services independently, and you don’t even need to make freelancing your main job. Online job marketplaces like Upwork make it so that you can reach out to millions of potential gigs, regardless of where you live. This means that you can build your portfolio a bit faster and easier than you would have if you had to do it all yourself. Technology, like digital marketplaces, does a lot of the work for you, you then just have to actually complete what you’re hired to do.


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