Growing arugula microgreens in a terracotta pot

Microgreens are young, tender seedlings of various edible plants that are typically harvested when they are about 1-3 inches tall. They are packed with nutrients and are a great way to add flavor and nutrition to any meal. Arugula microgreens, in particular, are known for their spicy, tangy flavor and are a popular choice for adding a burst of flavor to salads, sandwiches, and more.

Growing microgreens is easy and can be done in a small space, such as on a windowsill or balcony. All you need is a container, potting soil, and seeds. In this case, we will be using arugula seeds, a terracotta pot, and potting soil.

Start by filling your terracotta pot with potting soil. Make sure to use a soil that is specifically formulated for seed starting, as it will provide the necessary nutrients for your microgreens to thrive. Next, sprinkle a thin layer of arugula seeds over the soil, making sure to evenly distribute them. You can also use seed trays with drainage holes to grow microgreens.

Once your seeds are planted, gently press them down into the soil and give them a light misting of water. Cover the pot with plastic wrap or a lid to create a mini greenhouse effect, and place it in a warm, sunny spot. Be sure to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. In about a week, you should see tiny green sprouts popping up through the soil.

As the microgreens grow, you can remove the plastic wrap or lid and continue to keep the soil moist. Within two to three weeks, your arugula microgreens will be ready to harvest. Simply snip the microgreens about 1/4 inch above the soil line with scissors or a sharp knife.

The taste of arugula microgreens is pungent and slightly spicy, similar to mature arugula leaves. They can be used as a garnish or added to salads, sandwiches, and even pizzas for a burst of flavor. They can be also added to any dish you want to give a little extra flavor, like soups, pastas, and even smoothies.

Microgreens are also a great way to add extra nutrition to your meals. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help boost your overall health. Arugula microgreens, in particular, are a good source of Vitamin K and Vitamin A. Growing arugula microgreens in a terracotta pot is also an easy and affordable way to enjoy the taste and benefits of these delicious greens. With a little bit of care and attention, you can have a steady supply of fresh, flavorful arugula microgreens to add to your meals all year round.


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