Nothing is new, everything is new

Nothing is new. You’re likely never going to think of a completely original business or idea. If that’s holding you back from starting something, consider this: Apple didn’t invent the smartphone. Canon, Nikon or Sony didn’t invent the digital camera. Did McDonald’s invent the cheeseburger? Probably not. Thought Apple didn’t invent the smartphone, they are the leading smartphone manufacturer in the United States. Kodak invented the digital camera, but other brands offer the industry’s best reviewed cameras. McDonald’s absolutely did not invent the burger, but they did create a process that has made their business the most successful in its category.

Nothing is new. This is a good thing because that means you don’t necessarily need to invent something out of thin air to create a successful business. You don’t need to create a sublime work of artistic genius to sell consistently, and make a living on Etsy (in fact, it’s probably better if you don’t). If you want to open a coffee shop, an idea that has been done before, then what is your differentiator?

You don’t need to wait to think of a brand new idea, as long as you aren’t directly copying other people or infringing on copyright. All you need to do is think about what you want to do, and put your own personal spin on it. Are you starting a clothing brand? Are you trying to convey a specific message or idea with your work? What kind of products do you want to sell? What is your personal take on your idea, either aesthetically, rhetorically or in process?

If you want to start a business, side project or creative pursuit and have been waiting for a completely original idea to start, then free yourself of that limitation. Once you begin trying out ideas you will figure out your own style. Learn from your progress and follow where your work leads you. Stay mindful of your initial ideas, and don’t be afraid to pivot after finding out new things based off your progress. What do you want to work on?


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